Saint Catherine of Siena:

"Be who you are and and you will set the world ablaze."

Thursday, June 14, 2012


If you are a girl who has been through (or is in) Middle School you know what drama is. "Well, she said . . . and he said . . ." Gossip. Rumours. Some people try and start rumours (to be the center of attention). Others try and stop the rumours, because they know how hurtful they can be and how wrong they are. If a person is not there to defend themselves, don't talk about them. "Fire and swords are slow engines of destruction, compared to the tonge of a Gossip," (Richard Steele). "Gossip is called gossip, because it's not always the truth," (Justin Timberlake). Even though it might be hard to be the person who stops the gossip, it is the right thing to do. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (the movie), Albus Dumbledore said to Harry, "soon we will have to choose between what is right, and what is easy." I've also read that "what is right is not always popular, what is popular is not always right." One way to avoid drama is to hang out around people who don't like it either. Two of my best friends love our theatre class, but steer clear of the drama that goes on in our class.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

You Are Beautiful!

. . . You are amazing, there's no need to hide. As the boys of One Direction say (sing), "you don't know you're beautiful, that's what makes you beautiful." You might not think so, but there is something about you that makes you special. You just have to let that something shine. In the Nickelodeon original movie Rags, one song says, "Sometimes you must fly so that you can be free . . . look at me now, I'm starting to be stronger there's no time to slow down, no, oh, I'm touching the clouds, I'm flying high and higher, I'm not trying to come down."  Even when people tell you that you're not special, "don't you worry you're pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine," (Taylor Swift - Ours).

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Friendship is a wonderful, sometimes rare, thing. A friend is someone who you share little jokes with and someone who you can have a good fight and make up with. A friend can make you smile when you're about to cry, who goes to you for advice, someone who does something just to make you laugh. A friend is someone who gives you the first bite of their Reese's pie, because you've never tried it before. A friend is a person who understands you and does anything to make you feel better. A friend is someone who isn't jealous of you even when you have success and they do not. A friend doesn't have to be all these things. You might not have a friend exactly like this, but one day we all will.